Monday, April 4, 2016

C in my Kitchen

I chose simple to post for C, some spices, seasonings that i use everyday in my kitchen, without which my meal wouldn't be flavorful and aromatic. 
Curry leaves, i add them while tempering and coriander leaves as garnish, both play vital role for that happy aroma that emanates from a Indian Kitchen. 
Cloves and cardamom, cannot imagine my evening tea without them!! Coriander seeds is what gives my curry that kick, that keep people taking about it!!
Thanks to Nature for the abundance and for the knowledge to accept and appreciate them!

Chillies, Chana Dal & Coriander getting ready for curry powder


  1. Very nice! I love food photography with a dark background. Great blog. Good luck with the A-Z.

  2. I love how you can turn spices into photographic art! Beautiful photos.

    Maria from
    Vancity Girlfriends
    Coupon Chef


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